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Friday 31 January 2020

How to Use Digital Marketing to Increase Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

When you get a chance to know a new friend, what is the first thing that you like to discover? It can be about their hobbies, passions, likes and dislikes, and more. You may pay attention to how they speak, what they like to talk about, and what stuff gets them excited.
The above mentioned are some traits your brand awareness should determine and promote about itself. If you want to leave an impact among your audience, you should define yourself as more than a company that sells stuff. You can consider it like how else would you define yourself? What words would you use if you had to introduce your brand to a new friend?
However, nowadays these traits are frequently used by branding and marketing agencies . But we are here to understand it deeply.

Hence, we have designed this piece to let you know more about brand awareness:

1. Socialize

The social interaction is a must thing to draw the masses attention in one go. Introvert or extrovert and outgoing or quiet, all humans always get benefit from social contact and by spending time with one another. That’s how we humans stay connected, learn new things, and become known by others.
The same things go for your brand. If you are only attempting to connect with others to make a sale or get support, you won’t be able to get known as anything beyond a business with a singular intention.
To raise brand awareness of your business you always to think out of the box, post on social media about things unrelated to your product or services. Interact with your audience by asking questions, commenting on posts, or retweeting or sharing content you like, this way you can create a healthy knowledge providing hub, because only your service and products is not enough to run a business. In business you need to take care all round things in one go. Hence, treat your social accounts as if you were a person trying to make friends, not a business trying to make money.
Do you know over 50% of brand reputation comes from online sociability. Being social leads to greater brand awareness and simply being known.

2. Tell a Story

Storytelling is an incredible and powerful art, which can also be used as a powerful marketing tactic, whether you’re marketing products or promoting your brand, because it gives something real for your audience to latch onto.
Creating a narrative around your brand humanizes it and gives it depth. And weaving this said narrative into your marketing inherently markets your brand alongside your products or services.
Now you should know what your story should be about. And its pattern should follow the basic sense according the consumer needs. Nothing complicated should include in between regardless stuffing unnecessary elements.

3. Sharing Should be Easy

Whatever product or services you are offering make it easy for your audience to share your content. Whether it is a blog posts, sponsored content, videos, social media posts, or product pages, it doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it’s shareable and appreciate able.
Do you know? Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective ways to establish trust and familiarity among both old and new customers. Moreover, if someone sees that a friend or family member is recommending a product or service, they’ll surely take notice of that product and brand. It is because ultimately the trust factor among the nearby known people is the natural thing that usually comes in a potential customer’s mind. Then afterward, they can go in deep thoughts regarding the product purchase
If you have made it easy to post about your product or services, consumers will raise brand awareness for you by simply clicking “Share”.

4. Brand awareness is about impact

Brand awareness is always about interacting with your audience in ways that don’t only ask for money, participation, or loyalty consistently.
Assume that, you met a new person who wanted to be your friend. If he/she asks for any of the above mentioned elements, you’d probably laugh and walk away. The same goes for establishing brand awareness strategy among your audience.
We hope that our piece helped to understand the complexity of the topic. Don’t forget to share your feedback down below in the comment box. If any query contact us @ Lemon Insights.

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